The BABS Genome Project is a bit different from most genome sequencing efforts, which generally start with an organism of interest. Instead, we are crowd-sourcing what we should sequence, with a few constraints:
- It should be an iconic Australian species.
- It should not already have its genome sequenced.
- We should be able to generate a reasonable draft genome within budget using available technology.
- We need ready access to samples, from which high molecular weight DNA can be extracted.
The current organisms under consideration are:
Eastern brown snakeDespite its rather dull name and appearance, the Eastern Brown Snake is top of Australian Geographic’s “Australia’s 10 most dangerous snakes” and is the world’s second-most venomous terrestrial snake. |
Tiger snakeOne of the more visually striking species, the Tiger Snake another venomous snake and third on Australian Geographic’s “Australia’s 10 most dangerous snakes”. |
Funnel web spiderThe Funnel web spider is a common venomous spider that tops Australian Geographic’s “Australia’s 10 most dangerous spiders” list. |
Peacock spiderThe peacock spider is a small Australian spider famous for videos of its mating dance. |
ClownfishMade famous by Finding Nemo, the clownfish is an iconic tropical fish that lives in the Great Barrier Reef and forms a symbiotic relationship with sea anemones. |
Irukandji jellyfishAnother one on the “Australia’s most deadly” list, the Irukandji jellyfish is a small venomous Box jellyfish with sufficient toxicity to kill a person. |
Velvet WormVelvet worms are bizarre slime-squirting carnivorous animals with interesting reproductive methods. |
Lord Howe Island Stick InsectThe Lord Howe Island Stick Insect is one of the rarest insects in the world and was thought extinct for over 80 years. |
Black cockatooThe Yellow-tailed black cockatoo is not as well know as its sulphur-crested cousin but is another iconic species of south-east Australia. Black cockatoos are under threat from habitat loss and illegal trading, making it a key conservation target. |
To get involved, please complete the BABS Genome survey. (BABS students might win a prize!) To add to this list, complete the survey or get in touch.
Photo Credits
Brown snake - Peter Woodard | Tiger snake - Australian Geographic | Funnel web spider - | Peacock spider - Jurgen Otto [CC-BY-SA 2.0] | Clownfish – Ritiks [CC-BY-SA 3.0] | Irukandji jellyfish - | Velvet worm - © I.S. Oliveira, L. Hering & G. Mayer | Lord Howe Stick Insect - Wikipedia [CC-BY-SA 3.0] | Yellow-tailed black cockatoo – David Cook Wildlife Photography [CC-BY-SA 2.0]
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